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Sanctuary Advisory Council
NOAA has established a Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) for the proposed Lake Erie National
Sanctuary. The advisory council brings members of the local community together to provide advice
NOAA and help guide the designation of the sanctuary. Council members will also act as liaisons
their communities, building a strong connection between the proposed sanctuary and its partners.
meetings are open to the public. You can find upcoming meeting information on the Meetings page.
The proposed Lake Erie National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council includes 15 voting members and
alternates representing a variety of community interests. The advisory council will also have
government agencies that will serve in a non-voting capacity.
Council Recruitment
Candidates are selected based on their expertise and experience in relation to the seat for which
they are applying, community and professional affiliations, and views regarding the protection
management of natural resources in the Lake Erie area. Applicants who are chosen as members
expect to serve a three-year term or until a post-designation sanctuary advisory council is
established. The following seats are currently unfilled on the Pre-designation Sanctuary
- Commercial/Charter fishing (alternate)
- Divers, Dive Clubs & Archaeology (alternate)
- Economic Development (alternate)
- Historically Underserved Populations (member and alternate)
- Maritime Industry (alternate)
- Outdoor Recreation (alternate)
- Research, Science and Technology (alternate)
- Youth (two members and alternates)
An application period to fill these seats will be open from Thursday, February 27 -
Thursday, March
27, 2025. You can find the application materials below.
For more information about the Office of National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Councils, please
visit sanctuaries.noaa.gov/management/ac/.
For more information on the advisory council please contact Honey.Stempka@noaa.gov or Ellen.Brody@noaa.gov
What is a Sanctuary Advisory Council?
National marine sanctuary advisory councils are community-based,
volunteer advisory groups established to provide advice and recommendations to NOAA on issues
including management, science, service, and stewardship. This sanctuary advisory council brings
members of a diverse community together to provide advice to NOAA, to serve as a liaison with
the nominating community, and to assist in guiding the site through the designation process.
How long do sanctuary advisory council members serve?
Applicants chosen as members or alternates should expect to serve three-year terms. Members are
limited to three consecutive three-year terms on the council in the same seat, unless the
Director has granted a waiver.
How do I apply for a seat on the sanctuary advisory council?
Interested parties should submit written statements of particular interest, qualifications, and
experience related to the proposed Lake Erie National Marine Sanctuary. Application materials
and additional information are available under the Materials section on this page. Sanctuary
advisory council members must be at least 18 years of age. If applying to Youth seats,
applicants need to be aged 14-17. Applications and nominations for each seat are due to NOAA by
Thursday, March 27, 2025.
How are applicants for the sanctuary advisory council chosen?
Applicants are chosen based upon their particular expertise and experience in relation to the
seat for which they are applying; community and professional affiliations; views regarding the
protection and management of marine or Great Lakes resources; and possibly the length of
residence in the area affected by the site. NOAA seeks to create a sanctuary advisory council
that is balanced in terms of points of view represented, geographic diversity, and advisory
functions the council will perform. NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries director makes
the final selection for seats.
What happens to the sanctuary advisory council upon formal designation?
The sanctuary advisory council’s charter expires three years after the date of signature, or when
a decision has been made on designation. Six months prior to the expiration of the charter,
ONMS, with input from council members, will evaluate the need for the council to determine
whether to renew the charter. Revisions to the charter may be made once the sanctuary is
established or as determined necessary by the ONMS with input from the council. Revisions could
include updating the makeup of the council, such as changing the type or allocation of seats.