Proposed Lake Erie National Marine Sanctuary Designation Process - Frequently Asked Questions
Why is NOAA proposing to designate a sanctuary in Lake Erie?
NOAA proposes to designate a sanctuary in the Pennsylvania waters of Lake Erie to recognize the national
significance of the area's historical, archaeological, and cultural resources and to manage this special
place as part of the National Marine Sanctuary System. Through research, education, and community
involvement, NOAA would work to ensure future generations can learn about and explore this unique area. In
partnership with local communities, NOAA would provide a national stage for promoting heritage tourism and
recreation opportunities in the sanctuary.
Designation would bring new scientific, technological, and financial resources to a collaborative effort to
identify, understand, conserve, and interpret the heritage resources of the sanctuary. A sanctuary would
also create new opportunities for community involvement, scientific research, outreach and education across
Pennsylvania and the international Great Lakes region. Designation would also foster long-term conservation
in the area by increasing public awareness and appreciation of this area and its resources.
Does NOAA have a plan to consider additional national marine sanctuary designations from the inventory?
As ongoing designation processes conclude and capacity becomes available, NOAA may consider initiating
designation at additional sites. However, NOAA does not have plans to advance other sites at this time.
What is the process for designating a national marine sanctuary?
There is a well-documented process to designate a new sanctuary, including:
Public Scoping Process – gather input and collect information on factors that will contribute to our
determination of whether to designate the area as a NMS.
Preparation of Draft Documents – Preparation and release of draft designation documents, including a draft
environmental impact statement (DEIS) that identifies boundary alternatives, a draft management plan (DMP),
as well as a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to define proposed sanctuary regulations. Draft documents
would be used to initiate consultations with federal, state, or local agencies and other interested parties,
as appropriate;
Public Comment – Through public meetings and in writing, allow for public review and comment on the DEIS,
draft management plan, and notice of proposed rulemaking;
Preparation of Final Documents – Preparation and release of a final management plan, final environmental
impact statement (including a response to public comments), and a final rule, if appropriate.
Review Period – Per the NMSA, the designation and regulations take effect after the end of a review period
of 45 days of continuous session of Congress. If the sanctuary is located partially or entirely within state
waters, the Governor of the affected state has the opportunity to review and certify to the Secretary of
Commerce that the designation or any of its terms is unacceptable.
How can I be involved in this process?
We want to hear from you! When there are opportunities to either attend a public meeting or submit written
comments electronically or by mail, please do so. A Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC) has been established to
support the designation process. SAC meetings are open to the public. You can find upcoming meeting
information on the Meetings page.