Climate Change
Conservation Issue
The largely undeveloped landscape and waterscape of Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine
(MPNMS) have led to its recognition as one of the most ecologically significant areas in
Maryland, providing
important habitat for fish and wildlife, including rare, threatened, and endangered species.
Monitoring the
myriad impacts of climate change on the sanctuary’s ecological and maritime heritage
resources, including the
longevity of sanctuary shipwrecks, is a priority for sanctuary management.
In MPNMS, a changing climate may impact a variety of sanctuary characteristics, including
river flow, salinity,
biodiversity, and the abundance of non-indigenous species (including those that directly
impact shipwrecks,
such as Teredo spp. and other wood-boring worms). Climate-driven fluctuations in
environmental conditions,
ecosystem and habitat changes, loss of species, alterations in water chemistry, and many
other issues,
including the possibility of increased greenhouse gases from greater visitor vessel traffic,
need to be assessed
to help guide research and sanctuary planning priorities.
Assessing climate change at MPNMS will require consistent, long-term data collection and
observation through
field surveys, dedicated research, the use of data buoys, aerial surveys, remote sensing,
and other means to
measure changes in ecological and environmental conditions over time. The sanctuary may also
serve as a
sentinel site for climate change research, and individual wrecks have been shown to exhibit
micro-climates for
study purposes. Both professional researchers and community scientist programs may
contribute valuable
information for understanding the impact of climate change in MPNMS.
Data and Analysis Needs
- Baseline environmental conditions (e.g., water quality; water chemistry; acidification;
dissolved oxygen
levels; water temperature and density; conductivity; precipitation; air quality and
atmospheric CO2
levels; sea level; substrate chemistry, enzymes, and nutrients)
- Assessment of species and ecosystems present in the sanctuary, and long-term monitoring
to identify
changes in species abundance and distribution due to climate stressors
- Long-term monitoring to measure storm impacts, sea-level rise, and marsh migration, both
around the
ships and other parts of the sanctuary
- Regular, sanctuary-wide assessment and monitoring of long-term impacts on heritage
resources and
dependent living resources
Potential Products
- Maps of current environmental conditions, living resources, and cultural heritage
- Reports and presentations describing climate-related changes over time in MPNMS
- Outreach and education products
- Visualizations and story maps
- Models and forecasts
Suggested Scientific Approach and Actions
- Data buoys
- Conductivity, temperature, and depth (CTD) devices
- Measurement of water levels and shoreline (surface elevation tables, real-time kinematic
GPS systems, water-level monitoring devices, etc.)
- Air quality index devices
- Biological field sampling
- Community science monitoring
- Aerial (and other remote sensing) surveys of wrecks and land use change
Key Partners and Collaborating Organizations
Maryland Department of Natural Resources ● Chesapeake Bay Sentinel Site Cooperative ● Other NOAA
offices (e.g., National Weather Service; NOAA Fisheries; NOAA Research; National Environmental Satellite,
Data, and Information Service; Chesapeake Bay Office) ● Potomac River Fisheries Commission ● Research
institutions and universities ● U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ● Chesapeake Bay Program ●
Chesapeake Conservancy ● Maryland Historical Trust ● Virginia Department of Historic Resources ●
Widewater State Park ● Department of Defense
Changes in climate may impact ecological and maritime heritage resources in MPNMS. Photo: NOAA
For more information about this assessment, contact