The resources of Mallows Bay-Potomac River are easily accessed by shore and water. This site is a living laboratory for people of all ages to learn about its history, heritage, and connected ecosystem.

Credit: Tracy Hajduk
Mallows Bay – Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary offers a variety of free educational and fun resources for both teachers and students. From science and technology to history to learning about the environment, there is an activity just for you.

Photo: Kimberly Hernandez/MD DNR
The Ghost Fleet emerges at low tide to reveal vessel construction and the lasting impacts of ship breaking and alteration by natural processes.

Credit: Matt McIntosh NOAA
Indigenous History & Culture
Tribal culture is integral to the history and heritage of the Potomac River. The sanctuary coincides with the traditional homeland and cultural landscape of three Native American tribes.

Credit: Sammy Orlando
Diving with a Purpose/National Association of Black Scuba Divers
Diving with a Purpose supports conservation and protection of submerged heritage resources by providing education, training, certification, and field experience to adults and youth in the fields of maritime archaeology and ocean conservation.