Time-Series Patterns of Species Rishness, Diversity, and Community Composition of Fishes at Stellwagen bank
National Marine Sanctuary (1970-2017)
Here we present analyses conducted in support of the most recent Stellwagen Bank
National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS) Condition Report for 2008-2017. Our focus was on
patterns and trends in species richness, diversity, and community composition of fishes in
SBNMS and surrounding waters over a nearly 50-year period. These analyses of the
larger Gulf of Maine, in which SBNMS is nested, are used to compare regional and local
scale patterns and trends. The NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center bottom trawl
survey data, based on a stratified random sampling design, was used to represent the fish
fauna of SBNMS (sampling stratum 26) along with 19 additional strata (i.e., 21-40) for
the larger Gulf of Maine. Our results demonstrate that fish communities in SBNMS have
changed substantially during the past decade. Following a long period of slowly rising
species richness through 2006, richness rose rapidly over the last decade. This change
coincided with changes in composition and patterns of numerical dominance for both
local (i.e., SBNMS) and large-scale (i.e., Gulf of Maine) fish communities as well. Depth
was the most significant correlate of fish community structure, but the threshold between
shallow and deep communities has moved from 52.5 to 75.5 m over time. Further,
composition and distribution of communities were influenced by temperature. For
example, Acadian redfish were more common when bottom temperature was 5.7°C
while American plaice, longhorn sculpin, yellowtail and witch flounder, and silver and
white hake were associated with warmer bottom conditions. Over the past decade, shallow communities south of
42°N were characterized by higher abundances of warm- tolerant species, like Atlantic mackerel and little
skate, while the cold-associated species like haddock are much more abundant north of this latitude. Based on
related studies, these community scale changes are attributed to changes in fisheries management, changes in
species interactions mediated by changes in species and trophic guild
abundance, and shifts in the distributions and abundances of fish species due to climate
change as a direct or indirect driver. While maintaining and enhancing diversity is a
central mission of the sanctuary, the structural changes to its communities is concerning
and deserves additional investigation. Identifying the drivers of these changes is
important and may provide some insight on what policies might mitigate adverse changes
while not sacrificing the benefits of diversity.
Key Words
Trawl survey, catch per unit effort, multivariate, multidimensional scaling, regression tree, condition