Summaries of the findings of the 2016 Condition Report
The below provides summaries of the findings of this condition
report. In summary, much of the sanctuary appears healthy and stable, including eutrophic
conditions, water quality that is safe for swimming and recreation, the general condition of
shoreline and seafloor habitat, many fish species, overall native sanctuary biodiversity, and the
condition of maritime archaeological resources.
The sanctuary is adjacent to metropolitan Los Angeles — one of the largest U.S. population centers —
and is therefore impacted by a large range of human activities and pressures. Due to its offshore
location, human activities in the Channel Islands face different driving pressures than inshore or
mainland activities. Driving forces behind these pressures can aid in predicting the direction and
extent of future pressures. The majority of driving forces (resulting factors that lead to
pressures) are increasing, such as population, per capita income, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of
trading partners, vessel traffic, and visitor use to the Channel Islands. Additionally, gasoline
prices have been stable and relatively low making boat access to the sanctuary more affordable. The
direction of these drivers indicate that pressures will continue to increase within the sanctuary.
Water Quality
(Left) Composite average sea surface temperature (°C). (Right) Composite average
chlorophyll (CHL) values (mg/m3) for the northern Channel Islands region from SeaWiFS
(1997–2010). Credit: Henderikx Freitas et al. 2017
While coastal nutrient runoff rarely reaches sanctuary waters, some persistent pollutants have been
detected in sanctuary sediments and mussel tissues, and may be accumulating over time. Pollutants
can reach the sanctuary through periodic transport by local currents, by animals, or via sediment
transport. Over time, oil production has declined in the region around the sanctuary and has been
fairly stable since 2012. While oil spills are rare, in 2015, a broken land pipe at Refugio Beach
spilled crude oil into coastal waters, which may have reached the sanctuary. Marine debris enters
the sanctuary from both water and land-based activities, and it is likely accumulating in the water
column and benthic habitats. Consequences of marine debris include accidental lethal ingestion by
organisms, animals becoming entangled, and/or toxic bioaccumulation up the food chain.
Fishing practices in the vicinity of the sanctuary have generally shifted over time from bottom
trawls and nets to traps and hook and line, meaning overall gear interactions with seafloor habitats
have been reduced; however, trap loss is an issue of concern. No-take and restricted-take marine
zones established in the sanctuary in 2004 and 2007 have had measurable benefits to fished
populations and habitats. Visitation to the sanctuary has increased since 2009 and in turn,
pressures like anchoring damage, non-native species introductions, and vessel grounding risks are
also increasing. Some of the busiest shipping lanes in the world pass through a portion of the
sanctuary and produce concerning amounts of noise. Increased ambient noise levels can impair the
hearing and ability of marine mammals, fishes, and invertebrates to communicate and locate prey.
Both small and large vessels can strike and harm or kill large whales, and this remains an ongoing
management challenge. Global climate change has affected water quality, urchins, deep-water corals,
and other habitat-forming species, and it will be crucial to better understand how these changes may
impact the sanctuary's living resources and habitats over time.
Giant kelp forests are characteristic of the sanctuary’s nearshore marine environment.
Credit: NOAA
The physical and biological oceanographic characteristics of the CINMS region are unique. Two major
currents meet at the east-west oriented northern Channel Islands, making it a transition zone where
surface temperatures shift from warm in the east, to cool in the west. There is notable seasonal
variation of surface temperatures, currents, nutrients, pH, and dissolved oxygen levels. These
factors combine to support one of the most productive and biologically diverse marine ecosystems in
the world.
Marine researchers are also drawn to the CINMS region, and therefore many long-term datasets exist,
including for water quality. Compared to coastal areas, the water quality of the sanctuary is good.
A disruption to normal conditions occurred with a warm water event, unprecedented in size and
duration that began in 2013 and lasted through much of 2016. During this event, the Southern
California Bight experienced anomalously warm surface waters, reduced mixing and surface nutrients,
and low productivity. Impacts reverberated throughout regional food webs, and how the system
rebounds will be a topic of continued research. Such marine heat waves are believed to be related to
climate change, and this potential correlation should also be tracked over time.
Climate drivers are currently the most concerning aspect of water quality, as the 2016 status and
trend has been reduced to fair and worsening. In addition to ocean warming and marine heat waves,
other impacts of climate change that are the focus of ongoing study include ocean acidification,
reductions in dissolved oxygen, and the intensity, frequency, and duration of harmful algal blooms
(HABs). HABs are increasing in frequency and extent along the U.S. West Coast. While typical in the
CINMS region, some researchers believe the onset and severity of HABs may be influenced by ocean
warming and/or anomalous spikes in sea surface temperature. Continued monitoring will produce the
necessary temporal and spatial data to better discern the factors that influence HABs and describe
their ecosystem impacts.
The sanctuary is comprised of a highly diverse patchwork of habitats ranging from intertidal rocky
habitat and sandy beaches, inshore kelp forests, soft bottom habitats and rocky reefs, and deep-sea
coral gardens. Sanctuary habitats are defined both by abiotic (e.g., sediment/bottom type, depth,
rugosity) and biogenic (e.g., kelp, algae, mussels, deep-sea corals) features that contribute to
overall habitat quality, structure, and function. While data on change in abiotic habitat is
limited, recent monitoring data shows a decline in the health or abundance in many species that
create biogenic habitat from their growth (e.g., corals) or activities (e.g., burrowing). For
example, critical habitat creators, such as giant kelp, mussels, deep-sea corals, and seagrass, are
all experiencing declines in health, condition, or abundance. These trends appear to be the norm
beyond the sanctuary's boundaries as well, suggesting that impacts are widespread across the
Southern California Bight. Conversely, trends are spatially variable with temperature, top-down
ecological controls, pH, conservation measures, and changes in fishing pressure; this variability
also influences habitat quality among islands.
While information is limited, pollution impacts on habitat quality appear to vary by monitoring
methodology. Contaminant concentrations in mussel tissue appear to be declining for most metals;
however, infaunal surveys from deeper waters have found a change in community composition, which may
be a result of the impacts of pollution. While habitat quality and pollution appear to be worsening
by some metrics, experts agree these trends have not yet caused severe degradation of ecological
integrity within the sanctuary. Future work should focus on understanding the ecological
consequences of this potential habitat loss and forecasting the response of habitat to changing
climate, emerging contaminants, and fishing activities.
Living Resources
Humpback whales lunge feeding in the sanctuary. Photo: L. Gordon/NOAA
The abundance and diversity of wildlife seen around the northern Channel Islands is remarkable
compared to many parts of the world and was a main reason for sanctuary designation. Although the
2016 status and trends are quite variable across the range of species in the sanctuary, overall, the
data indicate that many of the sanctuary's living resources are showing relative stability or
improvement since 2009. For example, most kelp forest and seafloor-associated fishes are stable or
increasing, especially inside no-take zones. Additionally, the number of native species in sanctuary
habitats, which is one measure of biodiversity, appears to be stable with no known recent local
extinctions; however, the island-wide drastic declines in sea stars, a keystone species in rocky
shore and shallow reef habitats, coupled with the establishment of a few non-indigenous species at
some island monitoring sites, contributed to worsening trends in the status of nearshore communities
and raises concerns about future impacts to ecological integrity and biodiversity. In the pelagic
habitats, unusual abundances and distributions of both forage species, such as squid and sardine,
and their predators, including sea lions, were likely driven by an unusual warm water event that
began in 2013 and lasted until 2016. Abundance of forage species typically rebounds with the return
of favorable oceanographic conditions, but time is needed to better understand if there are any
lasting impacts from these recent anomalies. Continued monitoring of living resources in sanctuary
habitats will be essential to determine whether key species and community assemblages will return to
past patterns or if new patterns are emerging in response to changing climate and other human
Maritime Archaeological Resources
TBF-1C Grumman Avenger military aircraft was lost off Anacapa Island. Photo: R.
Data gathered through Channel Islands National Maritime Sanctuary and Channel Islands National Park's
annual Shipwreck Reconnaissance Monitoring Program indicates that since 2009, maritime
archaeological resources reflect little or no unexpected disturbance or looting by divers; however,
a 2011 damage assessment recorded at the Winfield Scott shipwreck site was believed to be
caused by improper vessel anchoring. Damage to historic iron artifactswas
recorded,butbelieved to becaused by a vessel's anchor tackle, not by divers' activities. The
monitoring program has also contributed to new historic artifact discoveries, such as the Pelorus
navigation instrument located at the Equator shipwreck site in 2016. Maritime
archaeological resources will continue to go through various stages of degradation caused by natural
forces, especially those resources located in shallow water and impacted by surge and swells. The
diminished condition of an archaeological resource could reduce its historical, archaeological,
scientific, or educational value, and is likely to affect its eligibility for listing to the
National Register of Historic Places. There are no known maritime archaeological resources that pose
environmental threats, although some threats may come from shipwrecks located beyond sanctuary
boundaries. Since the location of the majority of deep-water wrecks is unknown, impacts to
archaeological resources by offshore trawling is still unknown.
Ecosystem Services
The Delta Submersible, also known as "the Jeep of the Seas," has performed more than
7,000 deep-water dives, mostly off Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Credit: C.
Seven ecosystem services were evaluated in CINMS for this condition report: food supply, consumptive
recreation, non-consumptive recreation, sense of place, heritage, education, and science.
The food supply ecosystem service is defined as the capacity to support market demands for
nutrition-related commodities through various fisheries. Food supply status in CINMS was determined
to be good/fair. Even though the trends in harvest from 2000 to 2012 were variable across
species/species groups, the harvest had significant positive impacts on the economy of the local
area in terms of sales/output, value-added (Gross Regional Product), income, and jobs for years
2010, 2011, and 2012. Overall, the ecological indicators do not indicate there is a decline in the
natural resources related to this service; however, the trend is undetermined as there is not
extensive fisheries data after 2012.
Consumptive recreation was also determined to be good/fair with an undetermined trend. Two primary
consumptive recreational activities are conducted in CINMS: recreational fishing and diving, the
latter of which can result in incidental damage to kelp. Data collected from commercial passenger
fishing vessel (CPFV) operators show that although there is variation from year to year in CPFV
hours, since the 1980s, the number of hours within CINMS has been increasing. Data on expenditures
and economic impacts show that from 2010 to 2012, expenditures by CPFV passengers have been
increasing, in addition to the resulting economic contributions of their spending. From 2006 to
2012, private/rental boat person-days of fishing show an increasing trend from 2010 to 2012.
Additionally, expenditures by private/rental boat users and the economic contributions of this
activity increased between 2010 and 2011. Fish species that support recreational fisheries have
been increasing or stable' however, like food supply, the trend for is undetermined due to a lack of
data for economic and non-economic indicators after 2012.
Sanctuary visitors may also participate in non-consumptive recreational activities from both private
boats and "for hire" operations (e.g., whale watching boats, wildlife viewing, dive charters, etc.).
The only time series data on recreational uses comes from Channel Islands National Park (CINP) where
from 2012 to 2016, total visitation increased. Due to the lack of time series data for
non-consumptive uses, indicators for population, real per capita income, and gas and diesel prices
were used for inferring trends in use. Population, real per capita incomes, and gas and diesel
prices were all favorable for increases in this service. Further, surveys show whale watching
operators believe that whale watching conditions have improved over the past 10 years due to
increasing food supplies leading to more sightings. Based on ratings for human activities affecting
water, habitat, and living resources, there is no indication that the economic and non-economic
benefits derived from this ecosystem service are reducing the quality of natural resources.
Consequently, the trend and status for non-consumptive recreation were determined to be good/fair
and stable, respectively.
Sense of place is the aesthetic and spiritual attraction, and level of recognition and appreciation
given efforts to protect a place's iconic elements. National marine sanctuaries, CINMS included, are
underwater treasures designated because of their extraordinary scenic beauty, biodiversity,
historical connections, and economic productivity. In addition, CINMS has additional protections
with the network of 11 marine reserves and two marine conservation areas that are within the
sanctuary. Non-use or "passive economic use" value is a broad economic expression for the value
people have for protecting special places, and thus are good indicators of sense of place. Studies
of non-use and passive economic use values have found that real per capita income is a good
predictor of people's economic values. Given the valuation numbers and trends in environmental
attitudes and growth in real per capita incomes, these economic indicators suggest a status of good
with an increasing trend for this service. Ecological indicators do not indicate there is a decline
in the natural resources related to this service.
Maritime heritage is the recognition of historical or heritage legacy. This ecosystem service was
determined to be fair with a stable trend. Studies have found that people's willingness to pay for
maritime heritage increased with the expansion of the number of shipwrecks protected, the level of
investments in museum exhibits, educational workshops on maritime heritage, training in maritime
archaeology, and Maritime Heritage Trails, including virtual trails using video and mobile phone
technology. Numerous articles have appeared in magazines, academic papers have appeared in several
journals, and many papers have been presented at professional meetings about maritime heritage in
CINMS. Twelve museums/visitor centers have artifacts or tell the stories of some of the shipwrecks
in CINMS. In 2017, CINMS funded the RV Shearwater expedition to discover the shipwreck USCG
Cutter McCulloch (located outside of CINMS), which yielded 5,200 news stories with an
estimated 312 million impressions worldwide. With 30 archaeological site locations inventoried and
in various stages of survey within CINMS, this ecosystem is expected to continue.
Many people of all ages study ecosystems and their importance through both formal and informal
education. When people derive benefits from educational experiences or products resulting from
CINMS, this is considered an ecosystem service. The education ecosystem service status was
determined to be good with a stable trend. A 2017 study evaluating the Ocean Guardian School program
— an ONMS education program that teaches students K-12 about ocean conservation and stewardship —
determined that parents are willing to pay for their children to have hands on environmental
educational experiences. Another indicator, volunteer time, increased from 2008 to 2016. During that
period, the value that volunteers added to the sanctuary increased by over $200,000. Further, the
number of kiosk visitors at ONMS facilities and partner exhibits increased from 2013 to 2017.
Additionally, technological advances have increased access to CINMS, no longer requiring a person to
be physically present in the sanctuary to experience and learn about its natural, historical, or
archeological features. These indicators demonstrate the various tools used to provide educational
services to CINMS visitors.
The ecosystem service of science is defined as the capacity to acquire and contribute information and
knowledge and was determined to be good with a stable trend. Currently, there is an absence of
information on the economic value of science and research within CINMS, as this ecosystem service
has not been extensively studied; however, many non-economic indicators may be used to measure and
track science within the sanctuary. In some cases, researchers apply for permits to conduct research
within the sanctuary. From 2006 to 2016, both the number of permits issued (which reflects about 25%
of all research occurring within the sanctuary) and the number of open permits increased. Additional
indicators include the total number of research projects conducted within the sanctuary (including
those that do not require a permit by CINMS), publications featuring research in CINMS, and research
vessel time in the sanctuary. From 2009–2014, there were 116 research projects in CINMS resulting in
49 publications. Another indicator is the number of days spent upon NOAA research vessels, which has
decreased since 2008. In general, the data support that science is occurring within the sanctuary.
Chumash Ecosystem Services Assessment
Native youth are empowered with conventional scientific methodology and traditional
cultural knowledge to develop relationships with and protect Chumash traditional homelands.
Credit: Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation
In 2018, Chumash community representatives appointed to the CINMS advisory council agreed to assist
with the assessment of the sanctuary's ecosystem services by preparing an independently-authored
report. The independent report focused on Chumash perspectives of ecosystem and place-based values
connected to the Chumash's sacred homeland islands and surrounding ocean waters. The report reflects
contributions from advisory council members Alicia Cordero and Luhui Isha Ward, the Chumash Women's
Elders Council, and their consultations with a broad cross-section of individuals from the Chumash
community. Their work is included within this condition report to supplement the sanctuary's
ecosystem services assessment; note, this work is presented in its final form submitted to ONMS in
November 2018 without any editing by NOAA or its affiliates.
Chumash perspectives about ecosystem services are often different from assessments presented
elsewhere in this report. Authors of the Chumash contribution do not consider all of the ecosystem
service categories used herein to be consistent with the way they perceive the relationship between
humans and their surroundings. Additionally, authors of the Chumash community section help sanctuary
resource managers appreciate the deep history of Chumash people in connection with the Channel
Islands and surrounding marine waters, the reciprocal regenerative relationship that embodies their
community-based value systems and worldview, and the effects of historical trauma on Chumash
community members. Seeking to understand Chumash perspectives and experiences, sanctuary managers
gain an enhanced appreciation for indigenous ways of knowing and relating to the marine environment
that are built over thousands of years of history.
In recent years, ONMS and its partners have been deploying and retrieving hydrophones in
the sanctuary, as shown here in 2018 aboard the research vessel Shearwater. Credit: L.
The Response section describes actions that CINMS has taken, primarily since 2009, to help address
the range of issues and human activities described in the Driving Forces and Pressures section of
this report. Projects and programs that sanctuary staff have led, coordinated, or conducted with
partners help address many issues and human activities, including:
- Vessel traffic
- Ocean noise
- Non-indigenous species
- Fishing activities
- Energy development
- Pollutants
- Marine debris
- Visitor use
- Climate variability
Given the sanctuary's remote offshore setting and unique mix of human activities, effectively
responding to a wide range of issues and threats requires a long-term commitment to marine
conservation using a multidisciplinary, partnership-based approach. This involves the need for
scientific research and monitoring studies, ongoing monitoring of conditions, enforcement of
existing regulations, monitoring to identify emerging threats, community-based initiatives, and
education and outreach to inspire others to care about and help protect and preserve CINMS. The
dynamic and emerging nature of many issues requires that recurring assessments and adaptation are
part of the sanctuary's management cycle.