Ocean Currents Radio Program Celebrates Five
Years on the Air
Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary has been reaching regional listeners for five
years on its Ocean Currents radio program, hosted on KWMR, the community radio
station for West Marin. The show dives into issues affecting our blue planet and
provides interviews with experts in ocean research, exploration and conservation
with a focus on local marine sanctuaries. The sanctuary’s podcast has had nearly
half a million downloads to date and this year was included in the National Science
Foundation’s Science 360 radio project, streaming national science radio programs 24
hours a day. Past shows are available online.
Ocean Science Program Helps Students Connect
with the Ocean
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, partnering with the Seattle Aquarium,
completed its fifth year of “Ocean Science,” a five-year program funded by a NOAA
Ocean Literacy grant. Ocean Science was designed to integrate NOAA ocean literacy
concepts and principles into formal and informal educational programs. Approximately
400 elementary school students from 11 coastal schools, 100 parents and 20 teachers
participated in classroom activities and beach field investigations. Data collected
by students were submitted to a citizen science program.
Dive Into Education Teacher Program
Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary collaborated with the American Samoa
Department of Education and Department of Commerce to host a training for local
elementary school teachers. The purpose of the workshop was to provide the teachers
with the skills to integrate marine science education into their classrooms. Each of
the teachers received a $500 voucher for school supplies to teach marine science and
conservation lessons and to share their training with other teachers at their school
interested in applying ocean and climate change literacy skills.
Expedition Connects Classrooms to Corals
Science and education came together during a 14-day expedition to Flower Garden
Banks National Marine Sanctuary, dubbed “Coral Connections in the Gulf,” aboard the
NOAA ship Nancy Foster. Six partners from government and academia joined forces to
collect baseline data and bring real-time science to the public by showcasing the
expedition online as an interactive experience. Viewers were invited to submit
questions, which were answered by team members when posting their daily blogs and
photos during the expedition. The team responded to more than 500 questions,
submitted primarily by local students who followed the expedition as part of their
coursework. Click here for more information.
Day in the Life of a Marine Science
More than 150 students and teachers spent a special day at sea learning to conduct
marine science research through hands-on experiences organized by Hawaiian Islands
Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary. The NOAA ship Oscar Elton Sette provided
the platform for activity stations on plankton, water quality, navigation, marine
mammal observation, ship operations, research programs and careers in marine
science. This cruise was notable in expanding the program’s geographic reach by
visiting the islands of O‘ahu, Kaua‘i, Maui and Moloka‘i during the five-day period.
Nearly half of the participants came from schools that are located within or
adjacent to sanctuary waters.
Monitor Programs Reach More Than 20,000
Through numerous education and outreach events and programs, USS Monitor National
Marine Sanctuary reached more than 20,000 students, teachers and members of the
general public in 2011. These events, held throughout the year, brought awareness to
maritime heritage and ocean issues while focusing on science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM). In collaboration with various partners, such as Newport
News and Virginia Beach Public Schools, Nauticus, The Mariners’ Museum, Graveyard of
the Atlantic Museum, North Carolina Aquarium, NASA, and Jeannette’s Pier, these
programs offered a variety of learning experiences.
Mokupāpapa Discovery Center Sets Visitation
During 2011, nearly 61,000 people toured the Mokupāpapa Discovery Center in Hilo,
Hawaii, to learn about the extensive natural and cultural resources of
Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Mokupāpapa is situated near the
southernmost end of the Hawaiian archipelago and features exhibits, displays,
interactivity and images highlighting life in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. The
center opened in May 2003 and has since logged over 427,000 visitors. For 2011,
total visitation at Mokupāpapa Discovery Center was 60,979 people, up nearly 5,000
visitors from the previous year.
Helping to Educate Students About the
Since 2006, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary’s Coastal Discovery Center in
San Simeon, Calif., has served as an interpretive center for 15,000 visitors per
year, as well as an education center for students in the region. Leffingwell High
School, a local continuation school providing alternative education for at-risk
students, has partnered with the sanctuary and other environmental groups to develop
an experimental education program about the natural and cultural history of the
coast. In the program’s third year, students participated in field activities like
kayaking in a kelp forest, exploring an abalone farm, visiting an elephant seal
rookery and touring a historical lighthouse.
Ocean for Life: Enhancing Cultural
Understanding through Ocean Science
Twenty-eight high school students from around the globe traveled to Channel Islands
National Marine Sanctuary in July 2011 for “Ocean for Life,” an educational program
that blends ocean science with cultural interaction and discovery. Participants in
the marine science field study included youth from six countries in the Greater
Middle East and 12 locations across North America. Assisted by National Geographic
photographers and American University film students, the Ocean for Life participants
took 54,000 photos and many hours of video and developed five youth media projects
that will help them share their knowledge to promote ocean conservation and cultural
Climate Change Communication
In 2011, the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries education and outreach team
finalized four broad climate change messages, along with sanctuary-specific talking
points and case studies critical for the sanctuary system to communicate. Endorsed
at the highest levels of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, these climate
change communication materials are intended for use by all staff within the National
Marine Sanctuary System to understand and communicate through their work.
Incorporating climate change concepts into presentations, reports and other avenues
will help reinforce our commitment to creating a more climate-literate society.