Environmental Compliance
A cheery spectacled parrotfish (Chlorurus perspicillatus) swims through the reef at Midway Atoll, Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Photo Credit: James Watt/NOAA
The ONMS Environmental Compliance Policy (PDF, 576kb) establishes the required roles and responsibilities for ONMS staff to meet the NOS Environmental Compliance key program requirement objectives.
The ONMS Environmental Compliance handbook (PDF, 1.8MB), based on NOAA, NOS and ONMS environmental policy and guidance, will help each of us implement the sanctuary mission in protecting and managing our sanctuary resources. The EC Handbook provides guidance and useful tools in helping ONMS staff identify, analyze and document compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act and consultations under other relevant statutes (e.g., the Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and Coastal Zone Management Act) and Executive Orders. The Handbook is designed be a "living" document and will be updated as needed.
ONMS Environmental Compliance Policy (576kb)
ONMS Environmental Compliance handbook (1.8MB)
Four Programmatic Environmental Assessments on Office of National Marine Sanctuary Field Operations is available for public comment by September 21, 2018. Click here for the notice published in the Federal Register.
Programmatic Environmental Assessment of Field Operations in the Northeast and Great Lakes National Marine Sanctuaries (1.3MB)
Programmatic Environmental Assessment of Field Operations in the Southeast and Gulf of Mexico National Marine Sanctuaries (1.6MB)
Programmatic Environmental Assessment of Field Operations in the West Coast National Marine Sanctuaries (2MB)
Programmatic Environmental Assessment of Field Operations in the Pacific Islands National Marine Sanctuaries (1.9MB)