- About
- Policy & Planning
- Climate Change
Climate change brings unprecedented challenges to your national marine sanctuaries. The
impacts of climate change on our environment, like changing weather patterns and storm events,
warming waters,
declining ocean oxygen levels, ocean acidification, and sea level rise, are becoming more prevalent
and significant around the globe. These impacts are affecting national marine sanctuaries and
the overall health of the ocean, which is vital to our survival and quality of life.
At the same time, national marine sanctuaries and other marine protected areas are important nature-based solutions to human-caused climate change. By safeguarding essential ecosystems responsible for local and global contributions to biodiversity, carbon storage, livelihoods, coastal security, cultural heritage, and more, sanctuaries contribute to reducing or removing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting and building resilience to climate change impacts.
Discover how climate change is affecting our nation's underwater treasures, what NOAA's Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is doing about it, and how you can help.