Geographic Information System Data

world map

Welcome to the National Marine Sanctuary GIS Data Page. This page is starting out with the most basic and most requested NMSP GIS data files. All files on this page are FGDC metadata compliant. Therefore, data will be added as metadata is collected or generated.

All files are archived in WinZip format. You will need a program that can unzip files in order to access the files after downloading.

Free Data Readers available for download:
ESRI ArcExplorer
Google Earth

Sanctuary File Description File Format Image Metadata (HTML Page) Zipped File for Download
American Samoa Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files American Samoa Map nmsas_py.html 515 KB Zipped File
Channel Islands Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KMZ Files Channel Islands Map cinms_py.html 164 KB Zipped File
Cordell Bank Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Cordell Bank Map cbnms_py.html40 KB Zipped File
Florida Keys Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Florida Keys Map fknms_py.html 904 KB Zipped File
Flower Garden Banks Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Flower Garden Banks Map fgbnms_py.html 24 KB Zipped File
Gray's Reef Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Gray's Reef Map grnms_py.html
24 KB Zipped File
Greater Farallones Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Greater Farallones Map gfnms_py.html 132 KB Zipped File
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Map hihwnms_py.html 436 KB Zipped File
Monitor Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Monitor Map mnms_py.html 32 KB Zipped File
Monterey Bay Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Monterey Bay Map mbnms_py.html
164 KB Zipped File
Olympic Coast Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Olympic Coast Map ocnms_py.html 24 KB Zipped File
Papahānaumokuākea Boundary Polygon
Updated 10/25/16
ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Papahānaumokuākea Map pmnm_py.html 3.8 MB Zipped File
Stellwagen Bank Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Stellwagen Bank Map sbnms_py.html 24 KB Zipped File
Thunder Bay Boundary Polygon ESRI Shape & Google KML Files Thunder Bay Map tbnms_py.html 84 KB Zipped File