Ocean Sound and Impact of Noise

whales swim near a large ship

Studying Sanctuary Soundscapes

How do you record the ocean soundtrack? With a hydrophone! Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Jenni Stanley has been deploying hydrophones at several national marine sanctuaries in order to characterize their soundscapes. Learn more in our video!

diagram of a whale making noise

Measuring Sound in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary

How do scientists measure sound in national marine sanctuaries? Check out our video about a new hydrophone in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary to find out!

a humppback whale leaps out of the water while people watch from a small raft

Tagging Humpback Whales

How do scientists in Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary tag humpback whales? Very carefully! Attached temporarily with suction cups, these tags help researchers understand where whales are going and what sounds they're making.

<kelp bent by a current with many fishs wimming nearby

Acoustic Monitoring in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

What's one key way that researchers can monitor what's living in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary? Acoustic monitoring! With acoustic receivers, we can get the exact position of tagged animals like leopard sharks, soupfin sharks, juvenile white sharks, and sevengill sharks, which use the sanctuary as habitat and help maintain the ecosystem. #EarthIsBlue

graphic showing noise coming from various vessels

Acoustic Research in Cordell Bank

A mooring containing a hydrophone was deployed in Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary in October 2015. The acoustic mooring works to record ambient ocean sound to create a soundscape of the sanctuary, providing information about what types of sounds and how loud the sounds are in the ocean. With this information, the sanctuary hopes to understand how these animals might be affected, what types of noise they're experiencing in the ocean, and how much of that noise they're experiencing to understand how that could be affecting their habitat.