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Ocean Kid's club Ocean Guardian Kids Club
Kids Make a Difference - Become an Ocean Guardian and join our kids club today!

Ocean's liveOcean Guardian Activity Book
This activity book created by the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine Debris Program is appropriate for children in grades Kindergarten through 3rd. Learn about the ocean and why its important through word searches, games, and coloring pages. You can also sign the Ocean Guardian Pledge to protect the ocean and all the creatures that live in it.

Ocean Literacy CardsOcean Literacy with Each One, Teach One Cards
Teach your students the seven essential principles of ocean literacy with these colorful and engaging cards that can be used following the Each One, Teach One methodology.

Nim's IslandExplore Nim's Island
The movie Nim's Island tells the fictional story of an adventurous girl named Nim, who lives on a remote island in the South Pacific. Check out the fun educational resources related to this movie.

media libraryNational Marine Sanctuaries Media Library
The Media Library is an online vault where a comprehensive collection of select video clips and high-resolution still images from America's underwater treasures are securely stored and available for searchable access and download.

shorebirdsSeabirds and Shorebirds Activity Book
This activity book teaches students the about the seabirds and shorebirds that live in and migrate to Hawai'i (pdf, 3.7MB). You can also visit the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale kid's page to download fun activities and posters.

West Coast Field Guide
Learn more about the National Marine Sanctuaries of the West Coast through this downloadable west coast field guide. Explore the habitats, wildlife and culture of these five sanctuaries, and how they are all interconnected by ocean currents. Also discover how to practice daily conservation and get involved.

Materials and Publications
From the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary, you can find species cards, sanctuary posters, bookmarks and more.

Channel Islands
From Channel Islands, you can find Responsibly Watching California’s Marine Wildlife: A Handbook for Ocean Users, the Channel Islands newsletter Alolkoy and more.

The Kohola and the Kolea
A coloring book in Hawaiian and English about the whale and plover.

Why is Hawai'i's Ocean Important? A Keiki Activity Book
This activity book teaches students the basics of protecting Hawai'i's ocean and the animals that live in it. This book was produced by the Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative Research Program under the direction of NOAA's National Centers for Coastal Ocean Sciences in collaboration with the humpback whale sanctuary, University of Hawaii Sea Grant, the Waikiki Aquarium, and other partners.

Humpback Whale Activity Book
This activity book teaches basic information about humpback whale behavior and biology.

NOAA Grant Focuses on Watershed Education
Did you know NOAA provides funds for innovative outdoor education programs in Chesapeake Bay, the Hawaiian Islands, Channel Islands, Gulf of the Farallones and Monterey Bay watersheds? If you are an educator in those areas who has developed a curriculum that aims to improve students’ understanding of environmental stewardship by using the outdoors, a bay, a stream or the surrounding landscape as a living classroom, you should apply for a Bay Watershed Education and Training Program (B-WET) grant.

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