July 10 - July 16
July 10
A "rain out" day with 25 to 30 knot winds and seas too rough for the barge to work.
July 11
Although it was still too rough for barge work, the crew was able to load new supplies and materials including dressing rock and concrete onto the barge, at the storm anchor location.
July 12
A terrific weather day, and the divers were in the water by 7 a.m. After some scrubbing to remove algae build-up, the crew started the concrete pour around the 10 modules placed at Site 1A. During the day, they were able to pour 14 cubic yards of concrete.
July 13
The wind picked up some, but the barge was able to remain on site and work continued. Site 1A, the largest restoration area, was completed! The NOAA on-site personnel and Coastal Planning and Engineering, the design engineers, are very pleased with the final product for this major part of the project. Also Sites 3A and 5A were readied for puddle pours (without modules) to stabilize the reef substrate. And Site 6A received final preparation for placement of a module.
July 14
On Sunday, the work crew prepped Sites 14A and 16A. Work was also started on the perimeter wall for Site 20A -- this is the last of the larger restoration areas. The decision was made to place only three modules instead of the four that were originally planned due to the size and configuration of the depression.
July 15
Work continued on Site 20A, constructing the perimeter wall and placing large boulders in the hole to reduce the volume of concrete that will be required.
July 16
The tug captain made the decision to pull the barge from the work site about 9 a.m., when two lines between the tug and barge snapped. The crew hopes to be back on site tomorrow. After a new shipment of concrete and additive are received, Sites 6A and 14A are ready to set modules and pour the concrete. Sites 3A and 5A are also ready for puddle pours.

Preparation of Site 20A with the module template and perimeter rocks. Click image for 300 dpi version. (Photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc.)

Diver builds a perimeter wall at Site 6A on July 13. Click image for 300 dpi version. (Photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc.)

Cleaning algae off the rocks before the concrete pour at Site 5A. Click image for 300 dpi version. (Photo: Coastal Planninmg and Engineering, Inc.)

Dive crew is taking precaution to level a fill area before the concrete pour. Click image for 300 dpi version. (Photo: Coastal Planninmg and Engineering, Inc.)

View of one of the depressions at Site 14A with perimeter wall constructed before the module placement. Click image for 300 dpi version.
(Photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc. )

Completed modules at site 1A! Click image for 300 dpi version.
(Photo: Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc.)