Ulua/Giant Trevally
Ulua, or giant trevally, are found throughout the Hawaiian Islands, particularly in Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Ulua are apex predators, and are known for cooperative feeding habits with Hawaiian monk seals. During ancient times in Hawaiʻi, the ulua was used as a sacrifice in religious ceremonies, sometimes replacing humans.

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Caranx ignobilis
DIET: Crustaceans and fish
LENGTH: Up to 5+ feet
WEIGHT: 100+ lbs
LIFE SPAN: 20 years
THREATS: Overfishing
FUN FACT: The ulua is mentioned in various Hawaiian songs, chants, and proverbs, generally likening the fish to a strong warrior or a handsome man.
ʻAʻohe ia e loaʻa aku, he ulua kāpapa no ka moana.
He cannot be caught for he is an ulua fish of the deep ocean.