Sanctuary Nomination Process

Pacific Islands Region

Lucas Spring/Kalauha`iha`i Restoration and Access Workshop

Saturday, April 10th
in the NOAA Sanctuary/Monument office
6600 Kalaniana'ole Highway 3rd floor
(Hawaii Kai Corporate Plaza)

Start time is 8:30 am.

The community is invited to participate in a day-long workshop to develop ideas for restoration and use of Lucas Spring (also known as Kalauha`iha`i). The spring, which feeds into Maunalua Bay, has a rich and long history and represents one of just a few remaining fishponds on O`ahu. The workshop is being hosted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of National Marine Sanctuaries.

Lucas Spring

The public is invited to participate in this workshop to learn more about the history and future of Lucas Spring and Maunalua Bay, and to share ideas on potential educational, cultural and recreational access and uses for the area.

Free parking in the lot between Roy’s and Outback restaurants. Coffee and pastries will be provided. Lunch available nearby or brown bag. Advance workshop signup requested. Please email or call Allen Tom at, or 808-879-2818 ext 25 or Miki Lee at, or 808-779-7235.

Mahalo in advance for your support and participation!

For more information about the Maunalua Fishpond Heritage Center, click here.

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